During the 2016 strategic planning effort, residents recognized outdoor recreation as a tool for community revitalization. Since then, we’ve been working toward that end goal, and a next step is to develop a master trail plan that will help us connect current trails, plan for new trails that will serve different user groups, and ensure that residents and visitors can locate all of them.
The final product will include trail goals, maps to demonstrate layout and supporting infrastructure, and recommendations for next steps and implementation. A master plan is also important for raising funds for new trail construction.
A trail master planning process will dovetail nicely with the downtown master planning process—an initiative that will guide bike/pedestrian infrastructure, traffic, parking, riverfront connectivity, and design decisions in Skowhegan. Including trail development and downtown connectivity in this greater municipal planning effort seems both logical and important as we plan for Skowhegan’s future.
We are currently seeking grants to fund a master trail plan for Skowhegan. Members of the Somerset Trails Collaborative, community partners, and any interested area resident will be invited to help with this initiative. Stay tuned!